Do you know the first finding of CoronaVirus is in the 1960s?
Do you know as per Expert CoronaVirus is going to stay till 12 to 18 months from March 2020?
Elon musk says \”The Coronavirus Panic is dumb\”

Is coronavirus panic Really Dumb?
What\’s the history of coronavirus?
How to avoid coronavirus in office space?
Why to be overcautious?
above all answers, You will get to know in this blog.
We have referred the most authentic information from the World Health Organization (WHO) website and youtube video on coronavirus. Sharing links at the end of the blog for references.
So let\’s dive in.

Do you know the first finding of CoronaVirus is in the 1960s?
The history of coronavirus is it was first discovered in the 1960s, and it\’s responsible for the upper respiratory tract in children. Being found in many different forms, it existed in various forms, thereby contributing to the crown-shaped Virus causing disease. At least 5 new human coronavirus has been discovered since 2004. The coronavirus history and background will be expanding more when the research will be done more. In the past few years the Cronovirology has been advanced more. The COVID-19 cases are mostly 50 percent to 70 percent detected by our scientists. This name disease coronavirus derives from the meaning of \”crown\” and \”Halo,\” which is a solar corona.
Do you know as per Expert CoronaVirus is going to stay till 12 to 18 months?
Finding a medicine or immunizing is the only way to get away from disease. In this case of the coronavirus, it is not possible to produce working medicine without passing trial cases. Now that this disease is spreading very rapidly, the chance of finding apt medicine is low. This makes the contagious disease exist widely, thereby contributing to a longer lead time to control the disease. Expert state the approximate time of managing this ranging between 12 to 18 months.
Elon musk says \”The Coronavirus Panic is dumb\”
Is coronavirus panic Dumb?
At times we do feel like the panic is dumb, and people are exaggerating it. But on the contrary, we don\’t want to be on the side of infected people. So, in that case, it is better to be preventive than to be the deceased. When considering this situation, the panic isn\’t dumb. It is just one step to being preventive and cautious with what we are doing.
Types Of Earlier Viruses With Effects of Death Rate:
Before our species, we humans are suffering from different kinds of viruses. For some significant virus, the vaccines are available, but for some, the vaccine is not available, and so it causes death. The following two infections are the worst viruses that cause death to humans. They are as follows:
In 1967, the scientist discovered this disease called Marburg Virus. The death rate in the first outbreak in India because of this disease was around 25 percent, according to the World Health Organization(WHO). In this Virus, the studies were included in the metal analysis of EVD and MVD. This disease is a very homographic disease. This CoronaVirus can be transmitted through the exposure of one species of fruit bat. This disease has the same symptoms just like Ebola does. The actual treatment of this Virus is not possible at the last stage of the disease, but at the early stage of this Coronavirus, the vaccine is available for treatment. This Marburg Virus was first discovered in 1967 by the German citizens in Marburg. During this virus outbreak, 40 people got an infection and ten of them died on the spot because of their last stage of this disease. There is no vaccine and no treatment of this coronavirus available.
Ebola Virus:
The first outbreak in humans causes a serious death to humans known as the Ebola Virus in the year 1976. This disease spreads due to the contact of blood from other people\’s bodies. The death rate of this disease to humans was around 50 percent, according to the World Health Organization(WHO). This virus causes severe bleeding and organ failure in death. The symptoms of this disease are mild headache, fever, cough, cold, and muscle pain. The Ebola Virus started when no human private pigs. Since then, we humans are facing this significant disease. This disease is mainly found in the areas of Africa and the Philippines. This disease after entering our body, it slowly kills our body cells, and make our body explode. This disease slowly wrecks our body\’s immune system and causes heavy bleeding from our body. This virus is so scary and so rare. This virus can catch your body easily directly through the opposite infected person. Peter Piot discovered the Ebola Virus in 1949. The fruit bat started this Ebola disease. So many chemical agents can kill Ebola quickly.
Why be overcautious?
A fact that makes this Coronavirus even more deadly is that it is Airborne. It means that a person can easily get affected by this coronavirus through another person who suffers from this disease.
Various causes that can affect a person include shaking hands with diseased patients, not washing hands every time after coming from outside, keeping contact with an ailing person, sharing utensils, and various other things.
And Sadly, there is no cure for this coronavirus as of now. Chances of death from CoronaVirus is about 2 in every ten people infected. None of us want to be infected in that case, so the only choice is to be overcautious.
Brief about Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The epidemic of Coronavirus is spreading like wildfire. It seems as if it won\’t spare anyone who will come in its way. You will be astonished to know that it is not the first time when people are suffering from Coronavirus.
As per reports, there are various forms of Coronavirus that mostly all of us suffered in our life span. The things that make this particular type of Coronavirus deadly are its symptoms. In contrary to common Coronavirus, apart from primary symptoms like Fever, Cough, Cold, this virus brings many severe diseases to the victims, including Nausea, Diarrhea, Breathlessness, etc.
As per Dr. Amesh Adalja, Who is an infectious disease specialist who has developed government guidelines for similar disease outbreaks in the past, Coronavirus first found in humans in 1960.
There is a large family of viruses. COVID-19 is a new one who found in humans for the first time.
COVID-19 virus is very fast at spreading from Humans to Humans. Its main advantage is it looks like normal Fever, Cold, Cough, so detected cases are lesser in numbers than actual.
It is highly viral, with a virality index of approx 2.
What Causes It?
A fact that makes this virus even more deadly is that it is Airborne. It means that a person can easily get affected by this virus through another person who suffers from this disease.
Various causes that can affect a person include shaking hands with diseased patients, not washing hands every time after coming from outside, keeping contact with an ailing person, sharing utensils, and various other things.
What Is Its Treatment? How Can We Prevent Ourselves?
Unfortunately, no define medicine has been created or found by the scientists that could cure a person suffering from this virus. Researchers are still figuring out the type of medications that could help a Coronavirus patient.
Expert expects the remedy or medicine of new Coronavirus in 12 to 18 months.
Its everyone\’s responsibility to make it preventable in the first place. And stop spreading it outside.
All of us have heard, \”Prevention Is Better Than Cure,\” keeping this statement in mind, one should follow some instructions to protect himself/herself from this virus. It includes;
- Avoid Going In Public Places
- Regularly Washing Hands
- No Direct Contact With Patients
- Not Shaking Hands
- Maintaining Hygiene
- Using Sanitizers To Keep Your Hands Clean
- Avoid Travel to most affected countries like China, South Korea, Italy and many more
How To Avoid Its Spread From Office Space
With severe effects and no proper cure, this type of Coronavirus is the most deadly one. It is an effortless task for students to take leave from their schools to get themselves protected from Coronavirus. What about those who can not sit and work from their home instead of going to their office?
Although it becomes their employer\’s duty to maintain hygiene, it does not mean that you should leave everything on your employer. Allowing employees to work from their home is the most significant thing an employer can do for his employees. Still, it not possible for every employer to follow this same strategy. Some works can only be done in the workplace and not from home that makes it a challenging task for an employer.
It is not very difficult to maintain hygiene in the workplace; it just requires creative and practical measures that neither affect the productivity in the business nor affect the health of the employee.
As we all know, Coronavirus spreads through saliva that can be transmitted either by coughing or by shaking hands with the defective person.
Then how would one manage such things in a workplace where employees have to coordinate with each other and keep themselves in constant touch with each other?
These are some of the guidelines to avoid Coronavirus at office space;
Work in Shifts: The best thing an employer or a manager in an office can do is to make shifts of employees. He should not allow all the employees to work at once. Instead, it is recommendable to create teams of employees that would perform the task at different intervals.
Medical Tests: This could be the most important thing an employer can do for its employees. With an increasing number of cases of Coronavirus, it has now become a duty of every employer to keep a regular check on his employees\’ health even if it requires regular health camps or anything else. It would keep the atmosphere at the workplace safe for the employees as well as for the employer.
Leaves: It takes seven to fourteen days for a person to notice the symptoms of Coronavirus on his health. Hence, if anyone in the office is suffering from Cold or Fever, it should not be taken lightly. That employee should be immediately sent back to his house so that the atmosphere of the workplace remains healthy. You never know when 99 Degree (F) fever turns out to be a symptom of Coronavirus. These things are exceptionally delicate, and one should take proper action for them.
Shut Off Biometrics: As discussed earlier, Coronavirus spread is a person who comes in direct contact with a deceased person\’s saliva. In most of the offices, biometrics are used these days. Employees need to put their thumb or finger on a machine to mark their attendance. When we cough, our hand is in front of our mouth. Molecules of viruses get spread on our palm through our saliva. When a deceased person would place his thumb on the machine, he would not only mark his attendance but would leave the molecules on the tool unintentionally. Another employee who will use the same tool will indirectly get his hand dirty that can cause him many problems in some future date. Hence, it is advisable to shit off all the biometrics in the workplace and use offline methods for the same.
These are some of the guidelines to avoid Coronavirus at Coworking space:
- Carry your own Hand Sanitizer along with you
- Regularly sanitize your Hands
- No Direct Contact With anyone
- Not Shaking Hands
- If you just reach from any travel, Be at home for atleast 14 days without any physical contact
- Maintain Hygiene
- Avoid any unnecessary travel domestic or Foreign
- Avoid going to gathering of more than 10 People
- Use mask
We are dealing with the most dangerous virus of the 21st century with no medicine or positive tests to date.
As per experts, there is no hope for any medicine in the next six months because it is challenging to build remedies without actual trial phases. It is better to be overcautious than taking it lightly. Together we can avoid being infected and prevent the spread of Novel Coronavirus.
As Naval Ravikant says on Coronavirus is in the tweet is equally applicable to all of us.

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