Why Executive Office Suites is Better Than Traditional Office Space? ( Guide 2020)

Looking for a workspace?

Today I am gonna take you through major work space types

Traditional work space. Why and Why not?

Executive Work Space. Why and Why not?

So, let’s dive in.


Are you looking to decide on traditional office spaces or executive office suites? In this article we run through everything you need to know before you make your decision. Office space is the area, environment and situation in which you carry out your work. It is not only restricted to a mere room, or section of the room. It is a comprehensive collaboration of the room, its environment and the situation in which you are working.

 Traditional office space

               Traditional office space is generally a large room or hall, divided using cubicles to demarcation for each employee’s workspace. In such an office, there are a large number of employees working at the same time, on different jobs. Each employee can personalize his or her cubicle but the office as a whole is set according to those in charge of it. This is the most commonly followed office layout. Companies opt for this for various reasons.


Why traditional office space

There are several reasons why you should consider the use of traditional office space. We will run through a few of them here.

  • Better work environment: Traditional office spaces offer a good, conducive work environment. Employees are encouraged to work harder and more efficiently. The reason being that they are in an environment where everyone else is getting work done.
  • Enables better supervision:All work is to be supervised. Traditional office spaces offer the supervisor the opportunity to supervise his or her employees effortlessly. All the employees are in the same room and cannot get away with slacking in their work.


  • Builds up better team spirit:In traditional office spaces, employees are always together. They spend practically the whole day interacting with each other, whether it is office-related content or personal content. But in the macro sense, this builds up a good team spirit in the organization. Employees get to know each other, and work doesn’t seem that bad.
  • Ensures a sense of discipline:In a traditional office there are always certain rules and regulations. These vary from organization to organization. But there are few common things like timing, dress code, and other such rules. If you have a traditional office space, you can ensure that these things are followed. This brings about a sense of discipline
  • Better productivity:If all the employees are working together, you can often find that productivity is much better. The option to help each other solve problems, increased suggestions from co-workers and other such aspects increase the productivity of the work they do.
  • Common direction in the office: In a traditional office space, the employees are all subject to the orders of the manager. This brings about a sense of common direction towards which the organization can move towards. As the saying goes, “Too many chefs, spoil the broth”. This is extremely valuable to the firm in the long run.


Why not traditional office space

  • Expensive: One of the most crucial disadvantages of traditional offices is that they are expensive. Because your net investment in infrastructure is huge. During current Coronavirus struggling situation, it becomes more crucial for companies to cut down cost.
  • Lack of flexibility: In a traditional office space, everything is set, and everyone has to adhere to it. But this brings about a sense of rigidity in the workplace. It could lead to a negative reaction from the employees who want a little more freedom
  • Limited personalization: Employees get only a cubicle or a small area to personalize as their own. This is another problem since the employee might have wanted to work in a particular environment. Not everyone’s tastes are the same.
  • Maintenance: Though traditional office spaces might be cheaper in the macro sense, they come with a lot more periodic expenses. Once you hire an office space, you have to look after all of the maintenance of it. From the cleaning, to the bills, everything falls on to you to handle.


  • Possibility of conflicts:Since the employees in a traditional workspace are working together in close proximity, there is a possibility of personal conflicts between them. It is human nature that misunderstandings happen, and this could further lead to conflicts. Resulting in added work for the management to resolve such situations.
  • Feeling caged:Employees could easily feel caged or smothered by the limited space that they get to work with. If not implemented properly, this is one of the reasons why traditional office space could fail.


  • Monotony: When an employee knows that he is going to be working in the same space, the same office, every day of the week, it creates a sense of monotony. He or she would want a little bit of change once in a while whenever they can get it.
  • Long term commitment:Generally when you hire out a traditional office, you will get it on a long term agreement. If the need or want arises to change location or move to a different city, you will have to deal with the losses of the long term agreement. This is a big problem for organizations.


Executive Work suites 

Executive work suites are generally described as a collection of rooms, offices or suites used to conduct business. The most common theme is for businesses to hire out hotels so that they get the rooms as well as the common areas. These may or may not be at a fixed location. These are the types of offices in which different levels of employees are separated by different rooms or offices. They work perfectly when you have multiple levels of the workforce in your organization.


Executive office suites have been given different tags over the years. They include:

  1.     Corporate office: This is the oldest term in the executive office suites. In this type of executive suite, you generally find separate offices for the top-level managers, and then the subordinates work in a common space. These top-level managers have posh offices in which they run their operations.
  2.     Serviced offices: The other type of executive office suites is serviced offices. In this type of office you generally find that there are businesses that provide the office space for the organization according to their requirement. They furnish and decorate the office according to the need. The unique thing about these types of offices is that the organization can use them for a short period and only pay for that period.
  3.     Hotels:Lastly, coming to the literal meaning of the word suite, hotels are another source of offices. Usually when an organization has to work in places other than their primary location, they hire out hotel suites and set up their offices there. Furthermore, business conferences and other corporate gatherings always take place in hotels. This is most suitable for businesses that do not need an office for everyday work.

Now that we have run through some of the common executive office suites, let’s see why you may want to consider an executive office space and why you may not.


Why Executive office suites

There are a few reasons why you should be considering such offices. We will brief you about some of the important ones

  • Economical: Since executive office suites is based on sharing principle. Each companies share common amenities and infrastructure.  So it becomes more economical for corporates, startups and freelancers.
  • Flexibility: The biggest advantage of executive office spaces is the flexibility in operations. The organization hires the space out for a particular period and has to pay only for that. Furthermore, they do not have to spend time organizing, furnishing and setting up the office.
  • Good locality and neighborhood:Generally all the hotels and office suites are located in good, well-developed neighborhoods. These hotels ensure that they set up in those locations which add to the ambiance that they want their customers to be in. For the organization, this is a source of getting the professional feel about your business.


  • Less maintenance:When an organization hires out an executive office suite, they get it fully furnished and they do not have to carry out any maintenance work. This saves the organization time, money and effort of ensuring this. All these are covered under the total bill and it reduces the time spent to hire cleaners.
  • Professional environment:Executive suites provide your business with an immediate professional environment to work in. The organization gets a good environment to work in, with everything they need to be provided to them. This makes working a much better experience


  • Employee morale:When you hire out a posh, executive office suite, you can be sure that your employees will have good morale when it comes to working for you. You will find a good attitude in the workers as they will enjoy working for you. This could lead to much bigger benefits in the long run.
  • Better co-ordination and teamwork: When the whole workforce is working in a flexible environment you will notice that there is better coordination among the workers and you will find that the overall teamwork of the workers is much better. Having to be together for the entire duration of the work would ensure this.


Why not Executive office suites 

               As with everything else in the business world, there are cons to the pros. We will run you through some of the important cons when considering an executive office suite

  • Limited control:Since everything is done for you, you have limited control over your own office. You can ask for a few specifications, but other than that, the control of how things are done lies completely with the manager of the hotel. This may lead to a certain level of having to adjust.


  • Possibility of distraction:When you and your employees are working from a hotel, there could be a lot of distractions coming your way. You may find that employees are treating it as a paid-for holiday. There is a very fine line between working in hotels and holidaying in hotels. It will be difficult to control this.
  • Burden of bearing losses:If any of your employees or anyone from your organization is responsible for causing losses to the office space, you will have to reimburse it. This includes anything from breaking something in the hotel to creating a scandal in the common areas of the hotel. This would be unnecessary and uncalled for expenses.
  • Difficulty in supervision:Since there is enough freedom and flexibility to workers, the difficulty to supervise work arises. When you have employees working in their respective rooms, you have no control over what they are doing or how they are doing it. This represents a tough task for management.


  • Lack of discipline:Having to work in an executive office means that there are no ways you can ensure discipline. This results in having to deal with problems such as delay in work, working uniform and other such. If these are a priority to the management, then It would be difficult to implement in an executive office space.


As you can tell, each type of office has its advantages and disadvantages. The key is finding what you need. To do this, you have to set your goals and see what type of office would help you achieve those faster and more effectively. I hope this article has helped you by giving you an insight into each type of workspace. Whether you choose traditional office spaces or executive office suites, make sure it is what your business needs.

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